Of course there has to be rules, so here they are:
- Thank the person who gave you the award.
- Pass the award on to 10 other versatile bloggers and let them know you did.
- And tell seven fun facts about yourself.
I would like to pass this award to some of the blogs I like to
The Nuthouse Five
This Day
Eating Crow Pie
Feed-sack cooking
Social Climbers
Lipstick and Laundry
Random thoughts of a SUPERMOM
An Experiment in Poverty
Blue is Bleu
Terra Garden
Now the fun facts about myself.
1. I don't know my real hair color
2. I can't drive a stick shift
3. I love to target practice. I have a custom built rifle
4. I love to cook and bake. Especially to give away.
5. I love reese's peanut butter cups and pieces
6. I have a license to do cosmetology
7. I have over 100 pairs of shoes.