Saturday, September 10, 2011


Do you ever feel like life is passing by way to quickly?  I've told myself to slow down, your house doesn't have to be perfectly clean everyday, you can have dirty laundry in the hamper.  I made myself a promise to enjoy more time with my family.  So that is what I've been doing lately.  I also stated that I learned that life is more important that this little corner of the world.  That is why I haven't been on here for over two months.  I have some stories to share and some pictures to show. I'm not for sure if I will make it back more regular, working on it.    I got a new camera the other day. The Boy and I took it out today for a walk down the road.  Here's a little fellow we just happened to come across. 

1 comment:

  1. I feel that life is passing too quickly almost constantly! Never enough hours in the day to accomplish everything. Enjoy yourself and your family. Great picture!
