Monday, April 18, 2011

The Boy's Birthday

Today at 9:34am The Boy will officially be eleven years old.

He stared out life as a little four pound, two month early, tiny little bundle of joy.  He was really sick for the first year and half of life.  Really sick as in the hospital several times with RSV and pneumonia.  By looking at him today you would never guess this is the way he started out.  I'm so glad he has no problems from being born premature or from having been so sick. 

As we celebrated his birthday this weekend.  It was a time to reflect on all his accomplishments this last year.  He started playing sports, and band.  Both he insisted he could not do.  Ha. He made a liar out of himself.  He needs a big push in the self-esteem field and his band director gave him one when she asked him to be in honor band.  Tonight we will be eating at a restaurant of his choosing.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Vacation Plans

I've been thinking of vacation plans lately.  You see we haven't been on a family vacation for about 3 years. We have been on several weekend getaways.  But no real vacation.  I'm wanting to go on a cruise, never been on one.  Sounded good to me the middle of summer in OK and we go out in the ocean. 

Hubs said I needed to check in with the travel agent, so I called them up and gave them our list of cruise destinations.  Waiting to hear back.

A co-worker suggested we go to Mt. Vernon.  Hubs and The Boy are both total history buffs.  We are looking closer into this one.

Hmm.... So many choices.  Where are you going on summer vacation??

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Our Anniversary

Today Hubs and I have been married 11 years.  This is the song he would sing to me when we started getting serious. He still breaks out in it on occasion. I LOVE YOU HONEY!!